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The reviews here solely reflect our own opinions, what we believe and our interpenetration of what ingredient brands claim at the time they were written. Did we get something wrong? Did new science come out that we need to add to a review? Want us to review a specific product? Want to write a guest review of an ingredient we haven’t given an opinion on yet? Are you an ingredient manufacturer that wants to support our mission to increase transparency and make proprietary data public? Release it with us! We are retired and on the beach in the Nevis but we want to hear from you even if it takes us few weeks to respond! Please contact us at the email below.

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Because we can be slow to respond to email, Frequently Asked Questions:

Do you do consulting? We are flattered but we are retired and only run this website for fun.

Do you formulate products? We are flattered but we are retired and only run this website for fun.

Would you be an expert witness in a lawsuit? While we support the lawsuits we have been told about, we are flattered but we are retired and only run this website for fun.

Do you accept donations? We are grateful you got value from our site. We run this site for fun and do not accept donations. Please donate to St. Jude Children's Hospital instead.

St. Jude Children's Research Hospital | Jared

The writing and materials available on this blog are for informational purposes only. It is not given for the purposes of providing legal or medical advice or soliciting business. There is no guarantee as to the accuracy of the content on this site or to linked sites. If you have a medical concern, you should contact a medical professional with regard to that specific issue. Online readers should not act upon any information presented on this blog without seeking professional medical advice. The editor and blog founder apologizes for any factual or other errors in this blog. If you believe that some content is inaccurate, false, disparaging, slanderous, libelous, or defamatory, please contact us as the email above; if true, we will consider editing existing content, removing that content, or posting a retraction. Information herein is provided on an "as is" or "as available" basis; we make no warranty of any kind to you regarding the information provided and disclaim any liability for damages from use of the blog or its content.